Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Turning over a new leaf

Recently my husband decided that he wanted to try and get back to being healthy. We've both gained a little weight over the past couple of years [him more than I ...sshhh]. More than losing weight though, we've both gotten into some pretty unhealthy eating habits. I won't be cutting out sweets and fatty foods completely [the hubby is though] but I will be trying to eat about 50% raw. And by raw I DO NOT mean that crazy "Raw Food Diet" where you basically can't eat anything. I mean that I want to make a tleast 50% of my diet fresh fruits and veggies. I will laso be juicing a lot more. For those of who are wondering, the type of "juicing" I'm referring to doesn't involve steroids [LOL]. We LOVE our juicer [we have THIS ONE] and my hubby uses it much more than I do. Hopefully I'll be changing that in upcoming weeks. Another thing I should mention is that wonderful hubby of mine has a very weak immune system. When he was younger he developed a pretty bad case of croup that actually lasted about 5 years [WOW!] In the process of trying to cure him, the antibiotics he was prescribed killed his immune system, but NOT the croup. After developing asthma, as a result of the croup, his pediatrician decided he needed to be on steroids [he was 7] His father decided that steroids were NOT the road his 7 year old was going to travel, and he began looking into alternative medacine. It was on this trel for knowledge that he found a woman who would later cure Jesse of all that ails him. Unfortunately his immune system could not be restored. In the years that I've known Jesse he has been quarantined twice. Both times he was preparing for deployment [Iraq 2010] He was given vaccines [as usual] only he couldn't fight the live virus vaccines and was quarantined once for small pox, and once for MRSA. [Poor guy!] He also has a gluten allergy [the list just gets longer!] These are all things he's had to learn to live with, and being his wife, I've had to do the same. I'll be sharing our adventures with you, here on this blog. I'll show you hubby's collection of health boosters [Spirulina, Green Tea, Oregano oil, etc]. I'll show you what we're eating on our new quest for better health, and I'll even throw in some gluten free meals as we experiment with them. I look forward to taking this journey, and coming out happy and healthy on the other side. Will you join me?

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