Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Day 6: Pet Peeves

Day 6 is all about pet peeves, and boy! Do I have some pet peeves!! Let's start small, I canNOT stand poor grammar. It doesn't bother me as much in text [I get it, we all make typos, it happens] but when we are face to face and you can't form a complete sentence, well, I'd just as soon not talk to you. [unless you're three in which case I could excuse your lack of grammar.. coincidentally enough, my 3 year old nephew can hold a more intelligent conversation that the growing majority] I don't like slow people. By slow I mean the girl in front of you in the mall dragging her feet for no apparent reason, the guy in line at Subway that has apparently never eaten there before and needs a detailed description of EVERY item on the menu before ordering, you get my drift. Move with a purpose people! I'm also irritated by people that seem oblivious to their surroundings. We all know them. They're driving the car in front of you that never got the memo to "turn right on red". They're the people asking for directions when they're standing in front of the directory. The light turns green and they're busy digging for gold. THOSE guys, make me nuts. I can't stand people that have children and/or dogs that they allow to run wild, with  seemingly no discipline or consequences. "Seriously lady, your dog just peed in the middle of the aisle, aren't you gonna clean it up?? What's your dog even doing in Lowe's anyway? Is the roof on his dog house leaking?" Why do people feel the need to take their dogs everywhere with them? I LOVE my little Cali, but she and I both know she isn't concerned with whatever errands I need to run. She would rather be in the backyard with that big black cat up a tree for the millionth time. So, I'll leave her to be a dog, and if I see something she MUST know about, well I'll snap a photo on my phone and we'll discuss it when I get home. The only times I take Cali with me into public, is when I'm going somewhere appropriate for her. For example the dog beach, or fishing, maybe the park. NOT the grocery store. I also HATE when I can hear someone breathing. Especially that "I'm suffocating in between every bite of this cheeseburger" gasping for air while they eat.. Seriously? I don't draw the line there though, I can't sleep if I can hear my husband breathing. That's right BREATHING, imagine the mini homicide that plays through my mind when he starts full on snoring. I never act out anything [JEEZ!] But, I have been known to drop a bow in the middle of the night to cease the snoring. I also hate when I can hear people chew. Actually, this list could pretty long. In general I think ANY and ALL grunting/snorting/heavy breathing noises are gross. Farting, and burping included. People just have no tact these days. I don't want to hear it, and when you openly do these things in front of me, it changes my opinion of you. I now think you're a slob. Don't get me wrong, accidents happen. I'm referring to those people that think it's cute, especially the "women" that think it's cute. It's not. It's very unladylike and unattractive. Ok, now that I got that rant out of the way. I think I'm done here! Have a good day!!

Here's a snapshot of our weekend :)

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