Thursday, September 27, 2012

Day 3: Favorite picture of your best friend

Hmm.. My BEST friend you say?? Well, I actually have a few.

       Amy left us on Nov. 3rd 2008, and the world is better for having her, but will never be the same without her. Amy was the kind of girl that you just WANTED to be friends with. She was ALWAYS laughing, she always looked amazing, and she never let anything bring her down. She once told me that she woke up in the morning and simply decided to have a good day, and it was, because she decided it would be. She lived ninety to nothing and you either ran with her, or she left you in her dust. She was ripped away from us for one small mistake on a horrible night; that changed my life forever. I was with Amy when we wrecked her truck, and I walked away, while my best friend lay in a rut, bruised and broken. Even as hurt as she was, the first words out of her mouth were "I'm sorry" and "Is everyone ok?" that was just Amy, she never put herself. Not even when she became an organ donor, giving her heart to a 12 year old little girl in need was her last gift. Like I said, she truly was amazing. A borrowed angel, that heaven needed back.

       Carissa [on the left] is my newest friend, but quickly becoming my closest. She's AWESOME! ... No, really awesome. I wouldn't say that I want to BE her [:P] but she deffinately pushes me to be a better person [or should I say she inspires me]. We have LOADS of fun together, and I am beyond excited to see where our friendship will lead!

       Oh the bestie! Carisa and I have known each other since 6th grade. We've always been friends, but it wasn't until college that we really became sisters. We've been through a lot together. She's had my back, been my shoulder to cry on, and my ever reliable coffee buddy when I just need to vent. The most random things always happen when we're together. For instance, we once passed a woman driving 30 mph on the interstate with a car FULL [when I say full I mean, barely enough room for her] of cantaloupes.. let me try and paint a picture for you. If this woman were to do the head bob from "Night at the Roxbury's" she would headbutt a cantaloupe.. THAT'S the extent to which her car was loaded down.. I'm getting sidetracked.. Carisa is the only person I have burst out into random song in front of and she jumped right in and finished my song "High School Musical" style. We really are the same person..

       I love these girls more than they probably know, and you'll more than likely be hearing about them more often in my blog! As for me, I'm gonna get on out of here! See ya later!

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