Thursday, July 12, 2012


Good morning everyone! As I'm sure you all have noticed, when it comes to this blogging stuff.. well, I was born yesterday. I figure the easiest way to get my feet wet is to just jump in head first.. right?  So, I've decided to start with a 30 days of blogging challenge right out of the gate. I'll learn my way around this blog, and you can learn your way around my brain [whoa. Good luck in there].
1. I have locked my keys in my car more times than I can even count. Twice in one week before. One of those times it was running -_- [oh and did I mention it was FREEZING out?] Another time I was on my lunch break. I had to climb under my car at a gas station to find the hide-a-key my F.I.L. covertly hid.. only to find it had fallen off -_- (oh yea, I got covered in oil, and had a meeting after lunch)
2. I've also run out of gas at least 3 times. One of THOSE times I actually managed to roll [through a red light] and right up to the pump [after my car shut off] <-- that was kinda cool.
3. I married the male version of myself, and also the polar opposite of myself, yea, we're both pretty complicated like that.
4. I'm very confrontational, and opinionated. I'll tell you in a heartbeat if you've crossed me, and I won't think twice about hurting your feelings. Sometimes the truth hurts people. I also love a good debate, however I will not enter into a debate unless I'm at least 85% sure that I'm going to win.
5. I'm VERY competitive, but I'm not such a great loser. Thankfully, I know what I can and cannot do, and I simply choose not to do things that I know will end with me failing miserably, and running home in tears. (Did I say I was 22? I meant 5) On a good note. My determination to be the best is a great motivator!
6. I've been told that I could have ADD or ADHD.. idk it wasn't a doctor who told me this. The point is, I'm easily distracted. Ya see, the problem is, my brain is like a T.V. only, the remote is being controlled by a 3 year old. You ask me to get you a drink, and I come back 20 minutes later with nothing. I wasn't ignoring you. I went to the kitchen, but on my way I tripped over my husbands shoes, and had to move them to the front door. By the time I made to the fridge, I opened the freezer, stared blankly at it for a moment, took out some hamburger for dinner, and came back to the living room feeling good about my trip to the kitchen. I'll remember your drink in 5 minutes when you finally get up to get one yourself.
7. I'm a cosmetology student, and In the past 7 months my hair has been brown with hot pink ombre highlights, brown, red, purplish-red, black with purple streaks, Swamp monster green, red again, half red-half brown,  Brown with Turquoise and blue streaks, and now half auburn half brown with blonde streaks. Whew. that's alotta color!
8. I have a puppy that I share a love/hate relationship with. Her name is Cali, and I love her [no, really I do] She is half pitt half black mouth curr, and some days I think she's all pitt. She really knows how to push my buttons.. She's like having a child.
9. I babysit when I'm not in school. Two adorable little girls, named Kailey(9) and Hanna(6). You'll be seeing them in most of my arts and crafts posts.
10. I'm one of 6 (yea, 6!) children. 3 girls and 3 boys, and I'm smack in the middle. I'm the baby girl though ;)
11. I live in LaBelle, Fl, and for those of you who don't know. I'm about an hour northeast of Fort Myers. It's a small town, 30 minutes from everything, but we have our 4.5 acres and THAT makes us happier than being in the city!
12. I have a love of photography. I'm a wedding photographer on the side for a freelance wedding coordinating company [at the beach!] When I'm not taking pictures for them I dabble in some freelance photography in my spare time.
13. I'm obsessed with learning to do EVERYTHING myself. I see things and mentally pick them apart to see if I can make it myself. I've made and sold my own jewelry, wax melts, body wash, lotion, hand sanitizer, etc. Not to mention I dabble in graphic design. I'm a creative spirit :)
14. I have a wonderful husband that I've been married to for almost 3 years. A month after we were married he deployed to Iraq for a year. So, we had to postpone our first year of living together until after our anniversary. It was hard, but we got through it, and it made us stronger than we ever imagined.
15. My goal is to be as self sufficient as possible. We are currently working on getting our garden up and running, and we plan to buy a few cows as well. I'm SO excited to share with my adventures with you!

And as promised, a few photos!

Oh, and here's what to expect for the rest of the month!
Day 1: Introduce, recent picture of yourself, 15 interesting facts.
Day 2: The meaning behind your blog name
Day 3: A favorite picture of your best friend.
Day 4: Your parents.
Day 5: A picture of you as a child
Day 6: Pet peeves.
Day 7: What makes you happy.
Day 8: A place you’ve traveled to and where else you want to travel.
Day 9: Your first love.
Day 10: Something you’re afraid of.
Day 11: A quote you love.
Day 12: Something you don’t leave the house without.
Day 13: A habit that you wish you didn’t have
Day 14: A picture of you last year – how have you changed?
Day 15: Songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad
Day16: A picture of something that makes you happy
Day17: A picture of you and your family
Day 18: Something you miss.
Day 19: What makes you different from everyone else
Day 20: Write about a sweet memory from your past
Day 21: Something you’re proud of.
Day 22: What do you want your future to be like?
Day 23: Favorite Movies and TV Show.
Day 24: Something you’ve learned.
Day 25: Something you are looking forward to.
Day 26: Something you crave a lot
Day 27: Photo of your city .
Day 28: What stresses you out?
Day 29: Who is you hero?
Day 30: A picture of yourself this day and 5 good things that happened since you started the challenge.

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