Tuesday, July 10, 2012

DIY Photoshop Frames

Wanna Learn how to do this??
It's easy! Let me show ya!
This is my first tutorial, so stick with me. I'll do my best to be thorough, but you'll still need a basic knowledge of Adobe Photoshop. I'm using Photoshop CS5, 

Start by opening the picture you want to use.

1. Double Click the Background layer to unlock. 2. Rename. [you can name it whatever you want, this is just to keep everything organized] 3. When you're finished hit ok!

1. Create a new layer, this will be your overlay. 2. Rename. 3.Reverse the colors (make sure the white is on top, this is your active color the black is now your secondary color). 4. Select your fill bucket, and fill the new layer with white [or whatever color you want]
For this next part you'll need some frame brushes. I got mine from StarSunflower Studio. Go and download the frames. I'll wait.
Now that you've got them downloaded, you'll need to unzip them. Rename to something you'll remember. You'll need this when you open them in the next step.
1. Create a layer mask (A layer mask allows you to have certain areas of the lower layer to show through). 2. Load those brushes you downloaded (remember when I said you'd need this?). 3. Pick your brush (you'll need to use the solid brush, to the right of the arrow.. oops!). 4. Resize it to fit your work area. 5. Reverse the colors back (Black should be the active color now)
1. Set the opacity to around 68 (this makes it easier to place your mask) 2. Select your brush tool. 3. Position the brush over the area you want showing of your photo, and click to reveal your picture.
1. Repeat the previous steps, with whatever color you choose. 3. Set the opacity of the "overlay" layer back to 100%.
Crop, and you're ALL DONE!!

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